I've read somewhere a saying that goes something like: "a man is never really a man until he's cried at the pain of the world." I don't know where I read it or who wrote it - but I wholeheartedly agree with it.
This past weekend, I received the news that 15 year old Elizabeth left us behind to be with the Lord. After recovering from a brain tumor at the age of 10, she was diagnosed with Leukemia almost a year ago. She fought long and hard, but in the end she lost the fight.
If you knew her, words like hopeful, joyful and innocent wouldn't do her justice. She had a simple, child-like laugh that would turn your mood in an instant. Being greeted by her on a Sunday morning was a gracious gift from God. Never in my life have I ever seen someone who could share such joy in the midst of such extreme physical pain. It's as if God put her here amongst us to show us a different way of life - to show us what human beings are capable of when in child-like faith they walk with God; drinking from His well of life. I would love to say I have met many a Christian who lives as Elizabeth, but shamefully I would be lying if I said I had. She was unique. One of a kind.
In the most frustrated moments of a loss like this, I can not help but wonder why such difficult and horrible things happen to such beautiful, loving people. Why is it O Lord that the righteous suffer while the wicked gain? Why is it that the faithful struggle in pain and strive for comfort while the wicked enjoy the fruit of their evil and live life unhindered? Why O Lord ...
This past weekend, I received the news that 15 year old Elizabeth left us behind to be with the Lord. After recovering from a brain tumor at the age of 10, she was diagnosed with Leukemia almost a year ago. She fought long and hard, but in the end she lost the fight.
If you knew her, words like hopeful, joyful and innocent wouldn't do her justice. She had a simple, child-like laugh that would turn your mood in an instant. Being greeted by her on a Sunday morning was a gracious gift from God. Never in my life have I ever seen someone who could share such joy in the midst of such extreme physical pain. It's as if God put her here amongst us to show us a different way of life - to show us what human beings are capable of when in child-like faith they walk with God; drinking from His well of life. I would love to say I have met many a Christian who lives as Elizabeth, but shamefully I would be lying if I said I had. She was unique. One of a kind.
In the most frustrated moments of a loss like this, I can not help but wonder why such difficult and horrible things happen to such beautiful, loving people. Why is it O Lord that the righteous suffer while the wicked gain? Why is it that the faithful struggle in pain and strive for comfort while the wicked enjoy the fruit of their evil and live life unhindered? Why O Lord ...
I would love to think that long thought and deep reflection could bring comforting answers. I would love to be able to say A happened because B. But sadly these are naive hopes. Hopes of a young boy - not of a man. No. Sometimes things simply don't make sense. Sometimes no amount of thinking or reasoning can provide an answer. Sometimes there just aren't any answers; only the hope of God's final resolution - the hope of Christ.
Arise O Lord! Lift up your hand O God!
Do not forget the helpless [...]
You O God do see trouble and grief;
You consider it to take it in hand.
Do not forget the helpless [...]
You O God do see trouble and grief;
You consider it to take it in hand.
- Psalm 10:12&14a-
//Ex Profundis//
well put Jer. It's hard to grasp why such amazing people who love God and exemplify Him in their daily lives are taken from us, rather than left here as a salt to the world. The peace we can find is that even in our tragedies, God is glorified. We think of what we lost instead of thinking about the fact that Elizabeth is so much happier praising the Lord now than we are on earth. The wicked may prosper here but as Matthew 6:20 says "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." I didn't have the honor of knowing Elizabeth, but from what I've heard about her, seems like shes got quite a few treasures stored! It's a difficult thought to wrap our minds around and I'll be praying for her family and friends during this difficult time.